Any one using free asserts from must include the attribution line “Designed by” on the completed designs and products, whether these are physical or digital products.
Below are some examples about how to add the attribution:
- Websites, blogs, e-books, newsletters
We recommend placing the attribution line next to the image that is being used and a link to our website If you cannot add it next to the image, you can place it in the footer of your website, blog or newsletter.
- Social network profiles or posts
We recommend all the content creators to add the attribution line “Designed by” in any illustration or image you use and/or in the text description of the post, together with a link to
- Printed products
The Printing Media professionals must place the attribution somewhere on the printed product you are creating including posters, books, magazines, vinyls and flyers and it has to be visible for the clients/users.
- Video & Animations
Videographers and Animators who wish to use our resources in a video or animation must to include the attribution line in the video itself, by adding the attribution line to the credits’ section or at the end of the video or animation or/and You must also add link to our website ( )in the description of your video if this is availableto be viewed in any website or platform.
- Mobile app/game
Mobile or game developers as a free user, please remember to include the attribution line on the credits page of your app and in the text description added to the app store or any website or platform where the Mobile app is available from.